Durian Shiffon Cake. Home › Cakes › Chiffon Cakes › Durian Chiffon Cake. Hey Food lover Dapur heny masih di area chiffon, kali ini chiffon rasa durian,. bahan-bahan diukur dengan gelas untuk mempermudah bagi yang tidak punya. I baked this Durian Chiffon Cake quite some time back, during the durian season where the King of Fruits as the durian is called, was in full swing.
However, it doesn't smell as strong as the actual durian fruit.
Pandan chiffon cake is soft, fluffy, moist and fragrant.
In this recipe, the addition of coconut milk enhances its flavour.
Kamu dapat memasak Durian Shiffon Cake menggunakan 12 bahan dan 8 langkah. Pelajari cara membuat Durian Shiffon Cake secara favorit keluarga.
Bahan yang dibutuhkan memasak Durian Shiffon Cake :
- Bahan A:.
- 4 butir kuning telur.
- 90 gr terigu pro rendah.
- Bahan B:.
- 40 ml minyak.
- 70 ml susu cair.
- 150 daging buah durian.
- Bahan C:.
- 4 butir putih telur.
- 70 gr gula pasir.
- 1 sdt air jeruk lemon/nipis.
- Sejumput garam.
The fragrance and colour of the cake come from the pandan leaves extract. This Orange Chiffon Cake has the flavor of oranges and is both light and fluffy with a moist and tender crumb. At first glance you could mistakenly think this Orange Chiffon Cake is an Angel Food Cake. A chiffon cake is a very light cake made with vegetable oil, eggs, sugar, flour, baking powder, and flavorings.
Langkah memasak Durian Shiffon Cake
- Campur jadi satu bahan B sampai halus, atau bisa juga diblender..
- Mixer putih telur+vanili+garam+air jeruk lemon/nipis sampai berbusa, masukkan gula pasir secara bertahap (3x tuang) mix sampai soft peak.
- Kecilkan kecepatan mixer sampai yg paling kecil lalu masukkan kuning telur satu persatu mix sampai tercampur rata saja. Lalu masukkan tepung mix hingga rata..
- Terakhir masukkan campuran bahan B aduk balik menggunakan SPATULA hingga rata.
- Tuang kedalam loyang, hentakkan sekali hentakan untuk mengeluarkan udara didalamnya.
- Oven dengan suhu 150-160 derajat atau sesuai oven masing2.
- Setelah mateng segera terbalikkan loyang, sampai suhu ruangan.
- Keluarkan dr loyang, iris dan enjoi....
Its distinctive feature is from the use of vegetable oil. BLACK SESAME CHIFFON CAKE (using Organic Black Sesame Paste). Beat egg yolks with shaved gula melaka till creamy before stirring in oil, durian pulps and coconut milk in order. We love durian and we enjoy having them just on its own ^^ However when there is too much it will be great to have it in other form like this durian pound cake. Resep Durian Chiffon Cake ini cocok sekali buat kita yang penggila buah beraroma khas seperti durian.