Hurricane Matcha Swiss Roll Cake. Fluffy sponge cake rolled up with fresh matcha cream in the middle, this Matcha Swiss Roll will be an instant favorite this holiday season! Hurricane Swiss Roll is essentially a swiss roll that swirls layer that looks like a hurricane and hence the name. This Hurricane Swiss Roll Cake with strawberry jam is moist, tender and delicious cake.
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Hurricane Swiss roll has taken youtube by storms for the past few years.
Though the idea is not entirely new, but I sure have seen lots of hurricane Turn regular Swiss roll (bolu gulung) into this fun-looking Hurricane Swiss roll.
Kamu dapat memasak Hurricane Matcha Swiss Roll Cake menggunakan 12 bahan dan 9 langkah. Simak cara memasak Hurricane Matcha Swiss Roll Cake yang cepat.
Bahan yang dibutuhkan membuat Hurricane Matcha Swiss Roll Cake :
- Bahan A :.
- 1 btr telur utuh.
- 4 btr kuning telur.
- 50 gr Minyak.
- 70 gr Terigu protein rendah.
- 80 ml susu cair.
- Bahan B :.
- 4 btr putih telur.
- 80 gr gula.
- Bahan warna ijo :.
- 1 sdm greentea bubuk.
- 1 sdm air hangat.
The cake is so soft and fluffy too. All the tips you need to know to. This Matcha Roll Cake uses simple ingredients but the sponge cake is light and fluffy. The combination of the matcha, azuki and whipped cream is so delicious.
Langkah membuat Hurricane Matcha Swiss Roll Cake
- Panaskan minyak sampai hangat aja,lalu masukkan tepung&whisk rata lalu tuang susu cair aduk rata..
- Dinginkan sebentar, kemudiaan masukkan telur utuh whisk rata& masukkan kuning telur satu persatu, whisk rata. Sisihkan.
- Dalam wadah lain, larutkan bubuk green tea dgn air hangat sprti membentuk pasta dan beri 1/3 bagian adonan Bahan kuning telur lalu whisk rata.Sisihkan.
- Kocok putih telur & cream oftar sampai mengembang. Lalu masukkan gula secara bertahap dan mixer sampai tahap soft peak saja..
- Ambil 1/3 adonan putih telur ke wadah adonan greentea aduk balik dgn spatula hingga merata, yang 2/3 bagian lagi utk sisa adonan kuning telur, aduk balik dgn spatula dan tercampur rata (disini sy terllu dikit ngambil adonan yg ijo 😁).
- Pertama tuang adonan putih ke loyang persegi uk 26cm(sy pake loyang 30x25) yang sdh diberi kertas baking, lalu tuang adonan greentea keatas permukaan adonan putih..
- Gunakan ujung gagang sendok/sumpit *tarik garis vertikal dari kiri atas ke arah bawah lalu geser ke kanan tarik lagi kearah atas. seterusnya sampai ke bawah. *tarik garis horizontal dari kiri atas ke arah kanan terus kebawah tarik lagi garis horizontal ke arah kiri dan seterusnya sampai selesai(klw mumet bs cari diyutub ya umm :D).
- Oven dgn suhu 180 derajat Celcius 10 menit pertama lalu turunkan suhu menjadi 150 derajat celcius dan oven kembali selama 25 menit / sampai matang (pakai api atas bawah)sy pake otang&ga puny termo.
- Beri filling sesuai selera dan digulung padat lalu simpan sebentar di suhu kulkas Potong suka".... Alhamdulillah jadi,walaupun blm sempurna,badainya ga terlalu kliatan,cm semriwing2 ajaaaaa :'D.
Next, make the cake by combining the sugar, honey, matcha powder, and eggs in a large bowl. Mix until it almost triples in size, is lighter in color, and becomes thick and fluffy. This swiss roll cake combines the slight bitterness of matcha green tea with sweet and light strawberry. It makes for a delicious springtime flavor combination! Alex and I were in full spring cleaning mode this weekend.