Japanese dark pearl chiffon. Home › Cakes › Chiffon Cakes › Japanese Dark Pearl Chiffon Cake 日式黑珍珠戚风蛋糕. I wonder why this cake is called Japanese Dark Pearl Chiffon Cake but it had been very popular among many food bloggers. I just saw Eileen and Ellena posted this recipe recently.
The first time I saw this chiffon was in Lena's blog.
I thought to myself then that I had to make this chiffon cake one day.
So I printed the recipe and it was placed in my to-bake Finally, today I dug the recipe out from the ever-growing pile of to-cook and to-bake recipes and yes, I made this chiffon cake!
Kamu dapat memasak Japanese dark pearl chiffon menggunakan 14 bahan dan 6 langkah. Simak cara membuat Japanese dark pearl chiffon yang favorit keluarga.
Bahan yang dibutuhkan membuat Japanese dark pearl chiffon :
- Bahan A.
- 6 btr kuning telur.
- 70 gr minyak.
- 130 ml susu cair.
- 160 grup dcc lelehkan.
- 30 gr cokelat bubuk.
- 60 gr tepung kunci biru.
- 10 gr maizena.
- 1/2 sdt baking powder.
- 1/2 sdt baking soda.
- Bahan B:.
- 6 btr putih telur.
- 100 gr gula pasir.
- 1 sdt air jeruk nipis.
Japanese Dark Pearl Chocolate Chiffon Cake 日式黑珍珠戚风. The original recipe is using a chiffon tube pan, since i. Proudly presenting our Japanese dark pearl chiffon cake. Step-by-step recipe for making a layered lemon chiffon cake.
Langkah memasak Japanese dark pearl chiffon
- Kocok lepas kuning telur dengan whisk masukkan susu dan minyak juga cokelat leleh aduk rata dengan whisk.
- Masukkan tepung tepungan diayak lalu aduk dengan whisk.
- Kocok putih telur sampai berbusa masukkan jeruk nipis masukkan gula bertahap yaaa..kocok terus sampai kaku.
- Masukkan putih telur kedalam adonan pasta 3-4 kali aduk balik dgn spatula.
- Tuang dalam loyang 22 tanpa dioles apapun..panggang 160 decel selama 50 mnt.
- Begitu matang segera balik tunggu sampai dingin dan sisir pelan pelan dr loyang.
A delicious dessert to make around the holidays and family gathers. I wonder why this cake is called Japanese Dark Pearl Chiffon Cake but it had been very popular among many food bloggers. I just saw Eileen and Ellena posted this recipe recently. Saw this lovely chiffon cake in Joceline's blog which is written in Mandarin and so I did a Google translate on the recipe and edit it. Very moist and soft, a delightful cake to enjoy as a snack.